Welcome to KFUPM! Report to Graduate Studies Department to formalize your arrival and complete your registration processes if you are a student, or to the Faculty and Personnel Affairs department in building 21 (Floor 6) if you are a faculty/Staff as soon as possible . You are expected to familiarize yourself with Nigerian brothers on campus. They are always available to welcome and assist you. Having acquired room and completed all the registration processes, the next important thing to do is obtaining your resident permit (iqama). Obtaining iqama is necessary to make you a bona fide student or staff member of KFUPM community and to move freely within the Kingdom. As a major procedure in obtaining iqama, all the medical tests are to be repeated at KFUPM clinic, and if you are unfortunate to be positive in one of the medical test like hepatitis B, you will be asked to return to back Nigeria without any consideration. So, please be warned!!!
Note that:
* You do not need to go back to the laboratory on that day. Just proceed to the reception for appointment to see doctor for medical report.
** All do pay for iqama except full time graduate student and dependents. (Note: 1 year =SAR500, 2 years =SAR1000).