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Nuclear Physics PhD

** N=151 Pu, Cm and Cf nuclei under rotational stress: Role of
higher-order deformations *Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental
Nuclear Physics**
University of Massachusetts Lowell*

The Nuclear Physics group at the University of Massachusetts Lowell has
two Post-Doctoral openings to help exploit new opportunities in
experimental research both at major national user facilities and at our
Radiation Laboratory. The current research in the group is in nuclear
structure of very light and very heavy nuclei, in nuclear astrophysics,
in decay heat studies using the CARIBU ion source at Argonne, and in
detector R&D and applied nuclear science using segmented germanium
detectors and emerging scintillators. The Radiation Laboratory on campus
has a 1 MW research reactor and a 5.5 MV CN Van de Graaff accelerator.
The university is situated in the historic city of Lowell, on the
Merrimack river, a half-hour northwest of Boston.

We are looking for recent PhD graduates who want to take challenging
roles in the existing programs, but who will be encouraged to pursue
their own research interests. A Ph.D in experimental nuclear physics or
a closely related field is required. Experience with state-of-the-art
nuclear detectors and techniques, as well as multi-parameter data
acquisition and analysis of accelerator-based experiments is desirable.

The successful candidates will be integral members of the research group
of Professors Partha Chowdhury, C.J. (Kim) Lister and Andrew Rogers.
They will be expected to mentor graduate and undergraduate students,
with possible teaching opportunities in the department for qualified

The appointments will be for two years contingent on continued external

The application process is fully online (Job Reference No. 0081270 at

Review of applications will begin Dec 15, 2014 and continue until the
position is filled.

For more information about the opportunities, contact

Prof. Chowdhury (/ Prof. Lister
Post Grad Student | Nuclear/Medical Physics | University of Stellenbosch
Physics Department | Merensky Building | Room 1060
P/Bag x1 | Matieland | 7602
[t]: +27 (0)21 808 2590 | [m]: +27 (0)60 414 6839
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